I see you. 

You desire to make a huge impact on the world and facilitate deep, juicy, transformative AF experiences for your clients.
You lead your business with your heart, which is your greatest strength, but it can also be your greatest weakness.
You’re afraid to step into your power, to honour your worth, to be FULLY FUCKING SEEN.

All because you don’t want to,
step on anyone’s toes
make people feel uncomfortable be judged or criticised by others
repel people from your content
be seen as vain, greedy, self-absorbed…

But you playing small is actually keeping your clients small, too.

It is your delicious, unapologetic expression which is the permission slip for the women in your energetic field to tap into theirs, too.
So, are you ready to truly harness your power as a coach and badass leader?

This is for the coach who:

is feeling called into expansion within their business and coaching skills

wants to create DEEP impact and facilitate long-lasting change for her clients
feels afraid to be truly seen and fully expressed online
wants to attract more aligned clients with ease
lacks boundaries with clients + social media
desires return clients they grow and expand with.

I want to show coaches that they can be powerful, fully expressed, bold, playful, themselves.... and still be deliciously successful.


stepping boldly into leadership
magnetising and retaining dream clients
showing up fully expressed online
healing the people pleaser wound and integrating boundaries
becoming a powerful coach and facilitating DEEP change
creating impact and standing out in the coaching industry

- 90 minutes
- Immediate lifetime access

ONLY $199

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


  • Total payment
  • 1xAscension Codes$199

All prices in AUD
