It’s easy in business to find yourself swinging between doing too much or doing nothing at all; burning out or lacking drive entirely.

And if this is you… I see you. Cause that was me, too.

It wasn’t until I really learned to harness the power of masculine + feminine energetics, that the game totally f*cking changed!

Can you relate to any of these?

You feel stuck in the ‘doing’, the hustling, the creating, the action. You feel on the brink of burnt out, yet you’re left in complete guilt when you’re resting instead of working on your business. You always feel like you should be doing something.

You have all of these visions and ideas yet you’re completely frozen in inaction. You lack follow through and execution. You only do things when you ‘feel like it’ which leads to nothing ever getting done.

Both of the above. You continually go from one extreme to the other…

Running a business can ignite polarity and extremes.

There’s one part of you that really, really, really wants your business to do well. There’s a part of you with a fire in your belly, a fuck-off-amazing vision of where you could take things and the drive and energy to make it happen.


There's also this really human part – where you can’t hide behind the business because you ARE the business.

And that part of you doesn’t always FEEL like it, is a little scared of failure, committing to things or god forbid, being SEEN.

These two opposing parts can lead us into unhealthy cycles of either doing too much or nothing at all - never quite getting that taste of B A L A N C E.

How I’ve built a successful, multi 6-figure business, through integrating masculine and feminine energetics.


My journey from f2f PT to where I am today

My biggest lessons in biz
What is Masculine vs feminine energy
How to integrate masc/fem energetics into biz
The art of combining energetics w/strategy for rapid biz growth.

- 90 minute training
- Immediate lifetime access
- Workbook

ONLY $199

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Get the Scale The Masterclass for only $99 (SAVE $200)
After integrating your feminine & masculine energy into your boz - Scale will teach you how to make bank and build scalable offers that will explode your business, and take your business to a WHOLE. NEW. LEVEL.

  • Total payment
  • 1xBalanced Business$199

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